Hassle Free Personal or Debt Consolodation Loans

We all need a little bit of extra cash sometimes. Sure, while borrowing for holidays and luxury items is not encouraged, sometimes we need a little extra help to pay for that unforeseen expense, like vehicle repairs or unexpected expenses at home.

At the end of the day, it’s entirely up to you – what you choose to spend your money on – just be sure you can afford the repayments.

Simply fill in the contact form, giving us some contact information and tell us how much money you’d like to borrow. One of our consultants will call you back to discuss your personal loan application.

Consolidate your debt into one loan and save on administration fees, interest and debit order charges. Make your life a little easier and contact us today for a hassle-free experience.

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Terms are 24 -72 months. Interest is 27-31% normal banking rates in the country. Rates for clients is dictated by the Term of Loan and risk. Computer generated. Affordability is the main prerequisite.

Eg R147 900 over 60 months will be R4632 per month. Clients can settle loans earlier; you will save on the interest and a normal early settlement fee will be applicable as normal in the industry. When requesting a settlement letter, ask for a specific period that will give you time to pay, Eg 7days, etc.